Lunes, Marso 19, 2012

Summary and reflection

Group Reflections

MODULE 1- Overview in Assessment of LEARNING
In this Module we Learn ho to access which are personally explained by our teacher .                
As part of the overall evaluation process, we need specifically to find out if the learners are actually learning (changing their behaviour) as a result of the training. This will show us whether the training has been effective, which ultimately is the most important issue. Assessment is a means of finding out what learning is taking place. As well as specific knowledge and skills, we might also like to measure other changes in behaviour related to ‘personality’, social skills, interests, learning styles, etc.

There is a lot of debate about how to assess learning, and especially about how to evaluate performance. Our objectives give us guidance on what to assess, because they are written in terms of what the learners should be able to do. Based on these objectives, it is very useful to identify all the activities and skills which the learners will carry out, the conditions under which they will perform these activities, the possible results which might be obtained, and the standards by which their performance will be measured.

The measurement itself can be done in different ways:
1.                  Ask the learner to recall facts or principles (e.g. What is ‘x’?).
2.                  Ask the learner to apply a given or recalled fact or principle (e.g. How does x help you solve this problem?).
3.                  Ask the learner to select and apply facts and principles to solve a given problem (e.g. What do you know that will help you solve this problem?).
4.                  Ask the learner to formulate and solve his or her own problems by selecting, generating and applying facts and principles (e.g. What do I see as the problem here and how can I reach a satisfying solution?).

In (3) the learners are choosing the means to a given end. In (4) the learners make their own meanings within the structure of their own ideas. This fourth level can be said to be ‘meta-thinking’, and is a very high level of learning.

Once again, we need to stress the importance of participation, and this is especially important in evaluation and assessment. Learners should be actively involved in both the development of learning objectives, and as much as possible in their own assessment. In many education systems, assessment is used as a tool for ‘sorting’ students for selection purposes (progression to a higher level of education, higher rewards, etc.). Assessment where students are compared with each other is known as ‘norm-referencing’. It is much better if learners are clear about what they need to learn and are clear about what they have learned, by setting their own targets and monitoring their own progress. Of course, teachers and trainers should advise the learners, and guide them in order to help them learn; this is a key role of the teacher. Assessment of learners in relation to a particular target or level of performance is called ‘criterion-referencing’.

Establishing the LEARNING Targets

In this Module we have learned how to establish the learning     target to the learner
  • This includes both of what students will know, understand, and be able to do and the criteria that will be used to judge performance.
  • The criteria that are used to judge performance can be thought of as the different dimensions of student performance that will be used to judge whether or not you’re your objectives have been met.
·         Learning targets emphasize the link between instruction and assessment since writing these objectives, you should always be thinking about assessment.  How will you determine if students have learned what you have taught?  What observable behaviors (either verbally or in writing) will demonstrate that students have met the objectives?  If you find these questions difficult to answer then you probably have not written very good learning objectives.

 MODULE 3- Keys to Effective TESTING 
                     Tha reporters of this Modules have discussed different types of a test. We have also learned that school Administrators utilize test results fr making decision regarding the promotion or retention of the students, suprvisors utilize test results in dicovering learning areas needing special attention and teachers utilize test for numerous purposes trough testing they were able to gather information about the effectiveness of the instruction, give feedback to their students and assign grades.

In this module we learned the different assessment tools; Multiple Choice Test in which respondents are asked to select the best possible answer (or answers) out of the choices from a list; True or False Test in which the student or examinee indicates whether each of several statements is true or false; Matching Type Test in which there are usually two columns of items. For each item in one column, the students are required to select a correct item; Completion Test  which is a step by step evaluation of a completed projects; and the Essay Test which is a  piece of writing often written from an author's personal point of view.
From these, teachers are expected to assess student work in a variety of ways to gauge if learning has occurred. Besides of these, educators can use projects, portfolios and scoring rubrics to measure the quality of their instruction. They can allow students to self-score and peer-score the work before finally submitting it to the instructor. This places additional responsibility on the student for his own learning and guides him toward mastery.

MODULE 5- Characteristics of a Good TEST
 There are things the we must consider in making a Test which are learned and discussed by the reporter in this module. This are the Following 
1. there should be characteristics to be followed. 
2.One of the characteristics of the Test is the Validity, when you say the test is valid, the content should be appropriate to the test that given to the students. 
3.Validity is the degree to which a test measure what it is supposed to measure. Here in validity the directions and constructing the questions should be correct and clear to the students so that it is difficult to them to analyze.
4. If it is not clear and the construction is wrong it is not valid. Next of the characteristics of a good test is the reliability.
5. Reliability refers to the extent to which assessments are consistent. It provides a measure of the extent to which an examinee’s score reflects random measurement error. 
6.The longer the test is, the more reliable it is, it should also have the item of difficulty so that test would be identify if the test is easy or difficult, because when there is little variability of a test can be determined by means of Pearson product correlation coefficient, Spearman-brown formula and Kadar-Richardson formula. 
7.Lastly is the objectivity of the test, it is acquiring knowledge by reasoning solely based on the facts of reality and in accordance with the laws of logic.

Module 6:
          Analyzing and using of Test item Data

Actually this module is quite boring due to some application of solving but don’t worry as long as you have the correct formula then you’ll find your way.

Formula of Index of difficulty:
Pvalue: R where R is the total no. of students who got the right answer and N is the total
             N                                                no. Of  students who took the examination.

The index of discrimination is the difference between the proportion of the upper who got the item right and the proportion of lower group who got the item right. The possible range of the discrimination index is I.O (when DU= O and DL=I) to I.O (when DU=I and DL=O).
Formula of Discrimination Index:
Discrimination Index= DU-DL
Analysis should be done first before interpretation. An analysis is useless without interpretation. There are two methods in interpreting test scores, first is criterion-referenced interpretation and the norm-referenced interpretation.

Module 7|:

To make the long discussion short there are two types of Statistics the Descriptive Statistics which comprises the kind of analysis use to describe the population and the Inferential Statistics that comprises those methods concerned with the analysis of subset of data leading to predictions or inferences about the entire set of data.
                I have also learned the Measures of Central Tendency, the Mean, Median and Mode. Mean is the most well-known measure of Central Tendency, it is the sum of item values divided by the number  of items. The Median is the point on the scale of scores below which half of the scores lie. And the Mode is referred to as the most frequently occurring value in  given set of data.
                 The Deciles, Quartile and Percentile is also discussed in this Module. The deciles are the nine values of the variable that divide an ordered data set into ten equal parts. The quartiles are the three values of the variable that divide an ordered data set into four equal parts. The percentiles are the 99 values of the variable that divide an ordered data set into 100 equal parts.
                The Measures of Correlation, Correlation is a statistical measurement of the relationship between two variables. Possible correlations range from +1 to –1. A zero correlation indicates that there is no relationship between the variables. A correlation of –1 indicates a perfect negative correlation, meaning that as one variable goes up, the other goes down. A correlation of +1 indicates a perfect positive correlation, meaning that both variables move in the same direction together. The Correlation coefficient (or coefficient of correlation) is a calculated number which indicates the degree to which two sets of numbers correlate.

          And finally for the Formula for Pearson’s r Moment Correlation


The Formula for Spearman Rho
rho = 1-

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